Sunday, December 27, 2009

Article Publishing

I have published another article on about writing SFF titled "How Can Writers Finish What They Started?" This article is about how to finish a novel and complete a writing project.

This will probably be my last post in 2009. Here's what happened in 2009.
  • I saw 1801 hits on my novel website, Time of the Heathen which is good if you consider I did almost no site promotion until November 2009. What I must figure out in 2010 is how to turn many of those visits into Ebook sales.
  • My book went on sale at Amazon Kindle 10/12/2009 and at Smashwords 11/19/2009.
  • I made 35 submissions to literary agents outside New York and 13 to agents in New York. I am still awaiting a first response for 27 agents, but expect no response means no interest. So, I plan a new submission plan in 2010, probably to small presses.
  • I have to decide whether to have a P.O.D. printer create 100 copies of my book for sales through my website or to send as review copies to book reviewers.
  • I have begun writing articles about writing on and have joined several book clubs.

It's been a good year. I completed the novel (Vol 1 of 2) in July 507 8-1/2x10 pages about 112,000 words and have been planning Vol 2. I will also try and turn Vol 1 into a screenplay. We shall see what the future brings.