Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Bible Bard podcast now available.


A bard is a storyteller who recites traditional texts associated with a particular oral tradition.  The Bible Bard recites and to amplifies what the literature of the Bible says about who is God and who are human beings. 

Follow the Bible Bard at BibleBard.org, on SoundCloud, Spotify, and YouTube.

The Bible Bard podcast transcripts are available in English, Bangla, Spanish, and Swahili on the website. Audio translations of the English podcast are available in Swahili and Spanish. More translations are pending.

The Bible Bard podcast presents what the literature of the Bible clearly states about God and human beings. The Bible texts read during the podcast are so clear that whether you hear or read them in the original Hebrew, Greek, or Aramaic; or, if you read translations from the original languages into Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Russian, or English, they all say the same thing!

Finally, the Bible Bard doesn't push the ideas of any religious sect. The Bible Bard  is a public service presenting Bible literature to an audience that has, through no individual fault of their own, never heard what this book – the bestselling book ever in the history of publishing – actually says. 

This is the way the Bible Bard works. Brief recitations, closely focused, no distractions, no rabbit trails.