Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Up and Running 6/2024

Up and running with two projects:

BibleBard podcast

The Bible Bard provides a literary analysis of key ideas from the Bible that describe God and humanity. This is analysis of simple, declarative texts that reveal something about God or humanity. Using an inductive method where the text is considered data, the Bible Bard builds up a picture of what the Bible itself actually teaches about God and humankind.


Time of the Heathen, Vol 1.

Two 2023 university graduate students, Ewan and Alyssa, trained to squint at the universe, find themselves transported among the heathen of the early middle ages. Trying to get back home, they encounter poets, priests, priestesses, warriors, gods, as well as university professors, philosophers, mystics, and religious teachers. To survive, they make choices and experience moments of inspiration their sense of the supernatural grows as their modern world-view fails. Time of the Heathen is a literary novel set in a sci-fi/fantasy (SFF) adventure genre. This book is Volume 1 of a two-book sereies. Part 2 continues the story, but back in the 21st century, where the protagonists choose which side they support when an alien invasion occurs at the height of a nuclear war.